LinkedIn isn’t just about having a large number of connections but having quality ones. There’s no point in having 500 connections if they do not provide value of some sort.
The best way to use LinkedIn is to reach out to people relevant to your field. By growing, maintaining, and interacting with your network, you can keep up to date with industry trends as well as opportunities. LinkedIn also offers a number of other useful resources which, if used correctly, can help you stand out among other professionals. For example, features such as recommendations and endorsements are a great way to interact with your network. If you do not have the expertise, here’s a simple trick to get a glowing recommendation.
LinkedIn is as much about giving as receiving. Helping others with advice, recommendations, and referrals is an important aspect of networking on LinkedIn. These are the sort of things that make LinkedIn networking unique and extremely valuable to professionals.
While a well-rounded virtual resume is crucial in the professional world, there’s really no point if your resume lacks the ‘wow’ factor to make a lasting impression on recruiters. On that note, I’d love to offer you my two-page, salary-doubling resume cheat sheet — approved by 3000+ recruiters — which breaks down exactly how a marketing manager was able to get her dream job AND double the initial offer they received. Get your own copy by submitting your information right here:
If you haven’t had the opportunity to make such contributions, you are missing out on a chance to really benefit from LinkedIn. Engagement is the mind and soul of LinkedIn networking. If you’re unsure about how to engage with people without coming across as clingy or needy, the simplest solution is to offer something – anything you believe can be useful and relevant to your field. (You might want to check out this networking tutorial.)
That is the strategy I employ as a resume writer. By engaging with connections that I can help, I get lots of offers to collaborate.
My secret is to offer a free resource that helps my connections understand exactly how I can help them tackle their problems.
And you can do the same. Here's how:
Think about how you want to add value to a company.
Come up with an idea for a brief tutorial that showcases your expertise in that area.
For example, if you are a salesman, you could do “Five simple steps to boosting sales.”
If you are a Spanish teacher, you could do “How to get your students excited about speaking Spanish.”
If you run a graphic design firm, you could do "How to add negative space to draw users’ attention.”
Use Snagit to record a five-minute screencast video on your chosen topic and upload it to their
server. (Snagit is free if your video is five minutes or shorter.)
Send people that you want to engage with a message that looks something like this:
“Hi, Jacob! I thought you’d find this video useful. (URL: I put it together after getting questions from my network connections on _____. Here are the top five ways you can ____. Please let me know if you found this helpful.”
This instant engagement can go a long way in building a trust-based, mutually beneficial relationship. As soon as you connect with someone, make sure to reach out with your video to make the connection meaningful.
If you have any questions, let me know by commenting below.
Looking for more information on how to make your LinkedIn profile stand out? Check out these links below:
- LinkedIn Profile Tips Every Job Seeker Should Know
- How to Write A Great LinkedIn Summary (With Examples)
- How to get a glowing LinkedIn recommendation
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