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Land the high-paying job you deserve.

Our clients land jobs with highly selective organizations, including:

Outsource your job application headaches to us:

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High-achieving professionals love CareerTuners

What do you want to do today?

Overhaul my application

We'll redo your resume, LinkedIn, cover letter, executive bio, and supporting materials.

Outsource my application

We'll network on your behalf, do warm outreach, and apply to jobs for you

Get interview coaching

Getting calls but not the job? We'll help you figure out why and ensure you ace your next interview.

Make more money

Our salary negotiation and career coaching services have helped our clients double their salaries.

Schedule a consultation

Walk away with a rock-solid game plan.

What you get working with CareerTuners:

One-on-One Support:

Until you get the job you want, we're just a phone call away at 714.845.7104. Application tracking systems, hiring practices, and pay scales evolve rapidly. We make sure you're never outdated.

Expert Coaching:

You'll be served by someone who specializes in your field.

Curated Advice:

Take advantage of our network of 3,000+ recruiters to get up-to-the-minute advice on your specific career situation – and headhunted!

How does CareerTuners stack up against other resume-writing services?



Why do I need a professionally written resume:

A professionally written resume is optimized for:
If your resume is getting rejected automatically…
If you’re only getting traction for crappy, low-paying jobs…

You NEED the advice of an expert who can help you navigate the ever-evolving job market

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Career Coaching & Resume Writing Services for Visionary Leaders

Three installments of:


Resume only
(Starting today or check our pay Later plan starting at $300)
Three installments of:


Resume Bundle
($300 Off)

Six installments of:


Resume + “The Works”
($1100 Off)
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satisfied clients
3000 +
social followers
30000 +
free resource downloads
24000 +

Meet Our Founder: Hear it from Fatemah Mirza

I founded CareerTuners in 2010 to help smart, career-driven leaders with professional resume services. Since then, I’ve helped more than 3,500 customers land their dream jobs and negotiate massive salary increases.

As a sought-after speaker and coach, I empower audiences to get out of their comfort zones, improve their career readiness, and advocate for themselves in the workplace.

Must-read career advice

Copyright © 2024 Career Tuners.

Resume writer of choice for the following recruiting firms

Copyright © 2024 Career Tuners.

Sales & Marketing Case Studies

  1. Sales – Donnie Adams.
    “…I was able to attract my new employer via LinkedIn and double my salary…”
    Donnie secured an additional 15% increase after another LinkedIn update
  2. Account Executive – Stephanie Ang.
    “…I secured multiple interviews… very competitive offer…”
    Stephanie used our services three times, each leading to a job within a month.
  3. IT Sales Transition – Mohammed Alaloosi.
    Muhammed A. successfully transitioned into the new role with our help. The cover letter helped him enter IT sales from Software Development.
  4. Marketing Director – Samantha Ataeva.
    Samantha improved her offer by $80,000/year. She bumped her take-home pay by $40,000/year.
  5. Marketing Communications – Jacie Prieto.
    “I highly recommend Fatemah to anyone looking to create a resume that will help you stand out from the competition.”
  6. Director Sales – Brandon K.
    Brandon got his dream job, making a manager to executive transition, within just one month.
  7. Sales Career Transition – Todd Hawes.
    “I even ended up being able to choose between two good offers, which I didn’t think would be possible.”

Software & Tecnology Case Studies

  1. Software Engineer – Filipe Reyes.
    Filipe bumped his offer by $51,000/year. His take-home pay increased by $70,000/year!
  2. Software Engineering – Akshay Rao.
    With our help, Akshay got a job as a Software Development Engineer at Amazon.
  3. Technical Project Management – Jeff Quan.
    Jeff secured multiple interviews and landed his dream job just within a month of his resume revamp!
  4. Software Engineering – Nate Kimball.
    Nate got his first full-time job and went on to land a Software Engineering II role at Microsoft.
  5. Technology Analyst – Balajee A.
    “… Now I have two full-time offers and recruiters from Fortune 500 companies are directly reaching out to me…”
  6. Technical Program Management – Muhammad Waseem.
    “…created a resume that highlights my accomplishments…”
    Muhammad W. got his target job at Oracle.
  7. Software Engineering – Patrick Ross
    Patrick got a lot of traction, including interviews with Google and a job at Microsoft.

Banking & Financial Services Case Studies

  1. Managing Director – Katherine Z.
    Katherine overcame her job search obstacles and negotiated a 5-figure salary increase along with a title bump.
  2. Accounting – Terrence H.
    Our resume, LinkedIn, and cover letter revamp enabled Terrence to advance in his career and secure multiple jobs.
  3. Investment Performance Analyst – Anees Ayaz
    “… designed the best version of my career story, enabling me to stand out and land the right job.”

Human Resource & Operations Case Studies

  1. Operations Management & Training – Department Leader.
    “…I have successfully turned around years of team underperformance and feel much more confident about my leadership capabilities…”
  2. Data Specialist – Agnes Campbell.
    “… a resume that truly captures my accomplishments… It will be one of the best investments you can make in yourself.”

Healthcare Case Studies

  1. Healthcare Management – Gurveer Chhokar.
    “… got me 2 different jobs… interviewer said that, in forty years, this is the best resume and full packet he’s ever seen.”
  2. Public Health Director – DeLorean Ruffin.
    DeLorean got her dream job in public health and progressed to become a director in the field.

Supply Chain Case Studies

  1. Contact Management – Minhaj Din.
    “… I got 5 interviews per week… dream job within a month.”
  2. Supply Chain Logistics Management – Tom Gilje.
    “… Their services helped me enter a wonderful organization…”
    Tom got a job after each resume update.

Engineering & Manufacturing Case Studies

  1. Engineering Management – Ray Crabtree.
    “I landed two new roles using the resume… that too with double the salary offer from what I was making already.”
  2. Engineering – Kentorris Hodges.
    Kentorris finally secured the job he had been pursuing for two years!

Product Development Case Studies

  1. Business Development Manager – Colin A.
    “The price for the resume work was… paid off quickly with a new offer.”
    Colin got interviews with both companies he applied with.
  2. Sr. Director Product Management – Krishna.
    “… This resulted in multiple job opportunities for me…”
    He secured a job after every resume update from us.
  3. Technical Program Management – Xiaochang Lucy Liu.
    “… She will go the extra mile… And the resume helped me get my dream job.”
    Lucy got jobs at Splunk, Meta, and TikTok
  4. Technical Project Management – Jeanaye M.
    “… I was able to successfully land a technical role with Apple!…

Customer Service Case Studies

  1. QA Coordinator – Leslly Navarro.
    “…Two months later, I started working a new job with a startup…”
    Leslly’s LinkedIn started getting a lot of traction and recruiter interest.
  2. Customer Service – Emma Harper.
    “…I went from having the worst customer service on the team to winning the annual Customer Service Excellence Award…”
  3. Customer Service Management – Team Manager.
    “…I went from 60-hour working weeks and not hitting our goals to surprising KPIs and expectations and <40-hour weeks…”

Education Case Studies

  1. US Immigration – Cavin Dsouza.
    “… It clicked with this startup and they offered me an invite. this job means the world to me.”

Arts, Media, & Entertainment Case Studies

  1. Event Manager – Nadine Duncan.
    “…I felt extremely prepared… I knew the right way to answer interview questions… and I landed a new job the next day…”

Real Estate & Construction Case Studies

  1. Commercial Real Estate – Jawad Fawaz.
    With our resume revamp Jawad got his dream job in the commercial real estate industry.